Return & Refund Policy

  • If a customer returns a product, then the seller is charged a return shipping fee based on the weight of the shipment.
  • If an order is not delivered to a customer and gets converted to an RTO (Return to Origin), the seller will not be charged any additional fee for shipping.
  • All return & RTO related charges can be tracked & managed using different tools that are provided to Us.
  • Please note that for some exceptional cases, the return shipping fees can be waived off.

Following are the processing timelines after the product is received by us or when the seller notifies us of the receipt of the products.

Refund MethodRefund Time Frame
Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking, UPI Linked Bank Account6-8 Business Days
Cash on Delivery (Refund to Bank Account in the event that the conditions for Instant Refund mentioned below are not met)6-8 Business Days after updating the bank account details

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